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I'm trying to download a 300KB .npz file from a URL. When I download the file with, urllib.request.urlretrieve(), or with requests, an error is not thrown. The .npz file downloads. However, this .npz file is not 300KB. The file size is only 1 KB. Also, the file is unreadable - when I use np.load(), the error OSError: Failed to interpret file 'x.npz' as a pickle shows up.
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I'm zipping multiple files via a Web API endpoint which I then download to my browser. Until the very last step, I can see that the zip file has a filename and that its size is set but for some reason, when downloaded, it comes back as a 1Kb file.
I've saved the binary array that contains the zip file to my local drive before returning it back to the browser via the Web API and it is indeed correct. I can open the zip file and see its content, so I'm not sure what's causing it the problem.
Unlike previously stated, my single file download such as MS Word no longer work either and also generate a 1kb file instead of the relevant file. Something has changed but I'm not sure what yet. I will post an update when I find out.
Every time when I download installation or SP files with Download Manager (DM) , program downloads additional file with the 1kb size. For example., if I download SPAM SP ( file name KD73159.SAR) program downloads two files with the same name :
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I'm trying to download an image from the Microsoft Volume licensing site. I've attempted to download the files and saved them in three different locations. Each time I try to run the ISO file my drive will not burn the image because it is invalid. I attempted this with Download manager & regular Internet Exploder. Anyone else seen this? The ISO file shows as a 1Kb file. In "View and track downloads" window the correct file size is shown
If you are using IE that might be your issue. Try FF or The Chrome. They seem to be better equipped to handle larger files. Also, the download could take several hours depending on your connection bandwidth. During the download process Windows creates a placeholder. That's probably your 1KB file.
So say for instance, I create a VM but leave out the option to create a virtual disk. Instead I use this VMDK I copied down from another VM on another ESX host of the same version, would not having this file mess things up?
This VMDK file is basicly a pointer/header file for the flat-VMDK file that you dont always see when browsing a Datastore in the vCenter. If you lose or damage this file you can recover the disk. Have a look over this.
Trying to download a video file and the site I am downloading from shows it as 68.8mb but when I click to download, it doesn't even attempt to download and just finishes and the file is 1kb. Naturally this file will not open or play. I tried Edge and chrome. Anything I can try?
When we add a download to the dev site the file size once added shows as 1kb, but when we do the same process in the live site it shows the correct file size. The same document downloaded from the live site works but not in the dev site.
Thanks for reply!! but if log level is off so nothing should be download right. Problem is what I am able to see logs in orchestrator and if I apply filter and download file able to get data but if everything(without filter) tried to download not able to get data only columns name are coming.
I have an issue I can re-create and need guidance. I can successfully do a Invoice-Webrequest for tiny files works without issue. With Powershell 5 when I try to pull down a 41MB file it downloads 16 to 22kb and stops. No errors, just stops.
In order to download a file, Invoke-WebRequest isn't the most optimal way as the HTTP response stream is buffered into memory, and once the file has been fully loaded- then only it will be flushed to disk. This can cause a performance impact in case of large files.
With System.Net.WebClient, the speed/performance gets improved a lot as the HTTP response stream is buffered directly to disk throughout the download process (and not splitting the work into fetch-and-flush tasks).
The zip file will be downloaded to the path provided in $zipOutput, and the script will further extract the contents & store extracted contents in the path provided in $extractedOutput. Make sure that the 'C:\ZipOutput' and 'C:\ExtractedOutput' folders exist on your machine where you're executing this script.
I just had 13 messages from various contacts, each one won't download, strange thing is, every one has a future date, not today's date! I cannot send or receive images, text is fine. I use Boost mobile, l have a J7 Perx phone. Boost mobile techs tried to fix issue, suggested a factory reset.
I had the same issue. Group texts would come over individually and not be able to be downloaded. Also could not get picture messages. Everything else on my phone worked fine. Several calls to Boost mobile with no luck. They sent me a new SIM card. I called to activate it because it didn't just work, they told me it wouldn't work because it was a 5G SIM card. They put me on the phone with someone, who did the same thing I had done a bunch of times. Resets etc, I had just done a factory reset no luck. Everything worked fine except my messages. Transferred me to a specialist, she was able to fix it! Basically I had to switch it back to the CDMA network and my phone now says 3g above the bars but everything works. She said essentially my phone isn't 100% compatible with Boost's new upgraded network. So I couldn't send any message that was over 100kb. But even small pictures under that wouldn't work. Either way I've sent probably 30 picture messages since then and it is working now. Hope this helps
I just started experiencing this about a week ago. At first I thought it was the file / site that had a bad zip file, but it became more apparent to me as the week went on that no matter which site and what zip file I tried to download, it'll save it as a 1kb file, and won't open (obviously).
I tried to save it to different locations and such, but nothing will work. I don't have any problems saving any other files (.exe, .htm, etc) I also tried to rename the file as I'm saving it but same result.
I'm on a domain ... I can't find any filters or rules or anything that can make this happen. It just doesn't make any sense. Everything shows up as 1kb (zip files that is). I've verified that I can download the very same files from another system.
I'm not sure what to do. My Dropbox stopped syncing files in the last day or two. I noticed it yesterday when linking a few files to a friend. Dropbox showed the file as synced, and I shared the link with him, but it never uploaded.
This article describes how Firefox handles downloaded files for different types of content, such as saving a file or opening an application installed on your computer, and how you can change that behavior.
When you click on a link to download a file, you may see a dialog asking whether you want to save the file or open it with a specific application, if there is no download action already set for that file type. Thethe Media type, also called the MIME type or Content type, as configured by the web server, will determine what action Firefox will take.
Firefox will not be able to properly handle a file if a misconfigured web server sends it with an incorrect content type. For example, Firefox may display the content as plain text instead of opening the file in an application. To learn more, see Properly configuring server MIME types and Common MIME types at MDN web docs. You can contact the website in such cases, or you can try a Firefox add-on such as Content-Type Fixer to work around the problem. (If you use an add-on and need help with it, you should visit the add-on site or contact the add-on developer for support.)
When you tell Firefox to open or save a file and also check the option "Do this automatically for files like this from now on" in the "What should Firefox do with this file?" prompt,If Firefox does not have a set download action for a type of file, Firefox will save the file by default. If you select Always Open Similar Files in the Downloads panel right-click context menu for the file, (see below) a new Content Type and Action entry will be added to the General panel Applications section of Firefox settings.
When you click on a link to download a file and Firefox doesn't have a content type and download action set up for that type of file, Firefox will save the file by default. If you want Firefox to ask you what to do with these downloads, you can go to the bottom of the Applications section under What should Firefox do with other files? and select Ask whether to open or save files.
Starting in Firefox version 101, when you choose Ask whether to open or save files in Firefox settings under Applications (as shown above) and you download a file with no defined content type and action, you will see a What should Firefox do with this file? prompt. When you choose an action and also select the option, Do this automatically for files like this from now on, a new Content Type and Action entry will be added to the Applications list for that type of file. See the "What should Firefox do with this file?" prompt section below, for more information.
When you select Always Open Similar Files from the context menu for a downloaded item, the file will open in the system default application and a new Content Type entry will be added to the Applications section of Firefox settings, with the download action set to use that application. The next time you download that type of file and open the context menu, the Always Open Similar Files option will be check marked.