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Sun Ra The Night Of The Purple Moon Rar ((INSTALL))

Initially mainly focusing on the'50's and '60's, the pair have set up the Enterplanetary Koncepts labelto release 24-bit transfers from the original analog tapes whichAnderson has been archiving since he was appointed tape librarian by Rain the late '70's. Original tapes have been restored and corrected,tracks reinstated to full length with some in stereo for the first timeand previously unreleased tracks added; all thoroughly annotated withvintage covers restored. Even with this masterful new re-direction,Ra's catalogue could still look like an impossible mountain too high toeven dare the foothills so I endeavored to list key releases fromthroughout his life and beyond as both beginners guide and entertainingroundup for more weathered space travelers. In part one, we left Sun Raand the Arkestra leaving the Sun Palace in New York City's East Village,where they had spent most of the '60's. Their new domain was alto saxmanMarshall Allen's father's large house on Morton Street in the decliningGermantown section of Philadelphia, which remains the Arkestral home andHQ to this day. Part two picks up at the dawn of the '70's. Man hadlanded on the Moon the previous year and Robert Moog had invented a newgizmo called the synthesizer. Maybe the rest of the world was startingto catch up with Sun Ra's visions... The Night Of The Purple Moon (Saturn 1970; Atavistic2007)Fun-packed curio credited to Sun Ra and his Inter Galactic InfinityArkestra but actually just the man on his Mini Moog and Rocksichord inprime space noodle mode, plus Danny Davis on alto and clarinet, electricbassist Stafford James and tenor man John Gilmore on drums!Space Probe (Saturn 1974; Art Yard 2008) Space Probe first appeared amidst the chaos of an initial run ofSaturns released in the early '70's, finally solidifying as athree-track LP consisting of the epic title blowout and two sparse handdrum outings recorded at Choreographers Workshop on April 29, 1962('Earth Primitive Earth' and 'The Conversation Of J.P.'). The monolithictitle track was recorded in August 1969 as a first test run for Ra's newMoog synthesizer when he got it home. Typically, this quickly balloonedinto more than a few squirty doodles as, for 17 minutes, he reflected aspaceship scouring outer space looking for a landing place. As many havesaid, the synthesizer (especially the huge early models which lookedlike a spaceship's control panel) could have been invented just for SunRa. Art Yard's reissue saw the original album joined by offcuts from theSecrets Of The Sun sessions.The Solar Myth Approach Volumes 1 & 2 (BYG 1975; Atom 2005)Ra gave these recordings to BYG/Actuel after he didn't make it to makeBelgium's 1969 Festival Actuel. Captured in NYC around 1970-71, theSolar-Myth Arkestra stretch around galactic themes and invoke fearsomecosmic behemoths on "The Utter Nots," Ra showing his increasing masteryof his Mini-Moog on several interstellar overdrive tear-ups. Althoughjazz-rock had now caught on to synths, Ra was the one really tramplingbarriers between the two forms of music, while continuing to take musicinto unchartered realms.Nuits De La Foundation Maeght Volumes 1 & 2 (Sandar 1971;Recommended Records 2003) In August 1970, Ra took a nearly 20-piece Arkestra to debut in Europe atFrance's Fondation Maeght museum, St-Paul-de-Vence, as captured on thesetwo vibrant volumes. The Arkestra on full beam sufficiently impressedpromoters to land a full tour, including UK dates in Liverpool andLondon (the Queen Elizabeth Hall is documented on Transparency's bootlegLive In London 1970). Black Myth/Out In Space (Motor City,1998) comprises two German festival sets at Berlin and Donaueshingen.The Creator Of The Universe (The Lost Reel CollectionNumber One) (Transparency 2007) First actual release on the press-anything-and-bugger-the-legalities butoften valuable Transparency was drawn from Ra's Spring 1971 trip to theUniversity of Berkeley, whose African American Studies Departmentinvited him to be artist-in-residence as a major first move by thehard-fought for new Ethnic Studies department. For three months, Rataught a course called 'The Black Man in The Cosmos,' lecturing beforean Arkestra or his keyboard performance. He caused a sensation, embracedby black, hippie and new age communities, going on to mesmerize SanFrancisco and Southern California, living in Oakland with Bobby Sealeand the Black Panthers, while also influencing the likes of Frank Zappa.The shows introduced a new series of complex, numbered compositionscalled 'Disciplines,' which eventually numbered over a hundred. The Creator Of The Universe stands out for thesparsely-experimental San Francisco warehouse show from June, 1971(including 20 minutes of declarations peppered with volcanic spacechords), while disc two features one of Ra's lectures. AnotherTransparency CD called Intergalactic Research captures a looser,spacier Arkestra at Berkeley's Native Son and unidentified 1972 showfeaturing Ra on Moog overdrive.Nidhamu (Saturn 1971; Art Yard 2009) After playing Denmark in December 1971, Ra spontaneously decided tovisit Egypt, without arranging anything or knowing anyone there(predictably getting problems at customs for the name on his passport!).While he fulfilled his ambition to visit the pyramids, the Arkestrahooked up with writer-musician Hartmut Geerken, who kicked them off witha paying gig at his house, followed by a Cairo TV concert and shows atthe Ballon Theatre, American University and Versailles Club. Recordingsmade from the visit originally appeared on Saturn as Live InEgypt, Dark Myth Equation Visitation and Horizon. Thefirst two make up Art Yard's Nidhamu set, showing the AstroIntergalactic Infinity Arkestra magnificently rising to the occasion asdrummers pulse under sepulchral horn ensembles on stellar performancesincluding a hypnotic "Friendly Galaxy," three "Discipline" excursionsand radically different "Space Loneliness," plus Ra's synthesizedconversations with the Pharoahs on the epic "Nidhamu" itself.Soundtrack To The Film Space Is The Place (Evidence 1993);Space Is The Place (Blue Thumb 1973; MCA 1998) While in Oakland, Ra was approached by producer John Coney to make adocumentary for PBS, resulting in Space Is The Place, whichcaptured his philosophies, humour and music in suitably surreal style.Featuring the Arkestra and actors, it's draped inB-movie/blaxploitation/biblical epic ambience as, traversing theuniverse in a spaceship fueled by music, Ra finds a planet suitable torevive the black race, returning to Earth to land in 1972, whilebattling with mega-pimp the Overseer who, along with the FBI and NASA,send him back to space after he offers black people an 'alter-destiny'.Production was tortuous, the heavily edited film sneaking out anddisappearing fast, destined to be a cult classic. Evidence unofficiallyreleased the soundtrack in 1993 - nothing to do with the album of thesame name (featuring the 21 minute title track) recorded in Chicago inOctober 1972 and released by Blue Thumb.Wake Up Angels: Live At The Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival1972-73-74 (Art Yard 2011) Sun Ra enjoyed a special relationship with Detroit after playing therewith the MC5 in June, 1967 at the Community Arts Auditorium on WayneState University. When they returned in May-June 1969 to play theDetroit Rock and Roll Revival with Chuck Berry, the MC5 and Stooges atthe invitation of Five manager John Sinclair, they stayed next door tothe large Victorian house occupied by the band and White Panther partymembers. The MC5 were major fans, having used Ra's "There" poem aslaunch-pad for their own "Starship" on Kick Out The Jams. InSeptember 1972, the (Solar-Myth) Arkestra were invited back by Sinclairto play opening night of the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival in frontof 12,000 punters, their biggest U.S. crowd yet. They turned the placeout, flitting between space chants, squalling chaos and Ra's synthassaults. The date led to further dates around the world and returnappearances at the next two Ann Arbor festivals. Sinclair licensed tapesof these performances to Alive/Total Energy, including 1972's Life IsSplendid, 1973's Outer Spaceways Employment Agency and 1974'sIt Is Forbidden, all three contributing to Art Yard's stupendousWake Up Angels: Live At The Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival1972-73-74; which cataclysmically chronicles Ra's triumphs in thehome of high-energy rock 'n' roll.Astro Black (Impulse! 1972; Mastered For iTunes 2014);The Great Lost Sun Ra Albums (Evidence 2000); Pathways ToUnknown Worlds (Evidence 2000) In a concerted effort to put his music on the map, 1972 saw Ra'sill-fated liaison with ABC's Impulse!, foremost label for new jazzpioneers such as Coltrane. Ra prepared 30 reissues and recorded four newalbums but, for various reasons, the deal lasted only two years beforebeing guillotined by money men, sending the Impulse/Saturn titles whichwere released to the cutout bins. 1973 was to have seen new albumsCymbals, Crystal Spears and Pathway To UnknownWorlds. While the first two were never released, the third sneakedout in the deal's dying days and a fourth lay hidden. But there wasalso the transcendental Astro-Black, which has never beenreissued until this years Mastering For iTunes campaign. Originallyreleased in quadrophonic sound, the album boasted four synth-splatteredspace jams beautifully underpinned by Ronnie Boykins' bass, 'Bugs'Hunter's featherlight drums and batteries of percussion, overlaid withfirefly brass vapour trails and skronkarama. June Tyson's voice uncurlsthe main theme of the title track over swelling aural jazz orchestraocean led by Ra's synthesized submarine, while side tw

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